Date and Time: September 26th 6-7:30PM EST
Chairperson(s): Emily Walker, OT, Allyson Lewis, OT, & Rosa Colorado, OT
Location: Zoom - to be sent out day before the event
Title: Gender Affirming Care and Occupational Therapy
Presenter: Karlie Ashcroft, OT, MS, OTR
Learning Objectives:
Presenter Bio/Presentation Focus:
Karlie Ashcroft, OT, MS, OTR (they/them) is a Queer occupational therapist living in Worcester, Massachusetts. They obtained a combined bachelor’s and master’s degree in OT from The University of Scranton, where they continue to intermittently guest lecture on topics related to LGBTQ+ and mental health topics. Karlie is passionate about broadening education and understanding about occupational therapy's role in LGBTQ+ client care and have contributed to various panels and written resources about this topic. They are the social media chair on the board for The Network for LGBTQIA+ Concerns in Occupational Therapy. Karlie is excited to be sharing their knowledge in this space related specifically to gender affirming care and OT’s role in supporting trans and gender diverse populations
DATE: Wednesday, October 16, 2024
TIME: 6-7:30 p.m.
CHAIRPERSONS (s): Emily Walker, OT, OTR, Allyson Lewis, OT, OTR, Rosa Colorado, OT, OTR,
LOCATION: Zoom – the link will be sent out day before the event (through MAOT)
REMINDER You must sign up/register through MAOT events page no later than the morning of Tuesday, October 15th
Title: The Family Sensory Environment: An Intervention Area for OTP’s in Family Therapy
Carli DiMeo is an occupational therapist and occupational therapy educator with 3 years of experience practicing in community-based and inpatient mental health. Carli’s experience spans the lifespan including both pediatric and adult mental health care with an emphasis on family-centered care. Through her time practicing at the Home for Little Wanderers, Carli has collaborated with family therapists to address environmental and personal factors impacting occupational performance. Through this collaboration, Carli has seen the impact of different sensory processing patterns of familial conflict and opportunities for attunement and familial joy. During this presentation, Carli will present approaches to use sensory-based assessments to enhance the understanding of children and their caregivers of their own capacity for modulating their sensory experience while working toward meaningful and safe relationships with one another. Through simulated case examples, Carli will invite participants to examine the strengths and areas of conflict amongst different sensory processing profiles and identify areas of intervention with an emphasis on interprofessional practice.
Date & Time: October 17, 2024 at 7:00PM-8:00PM
Chairperson(s): Dr. Tee Stock, OT, OTD, MSOT, MBA, OTR & Dr. Susan Krikorian, OT, OTD, OTR
Location: Zoom to be sent out day before the event
Title: Collaboration and Networking
Participants will share up-to-date resources on pediatric and transition practices.
Registration will close on October 16, 2024.
Date and Time: Monday, October 21st, 2024, 7-8pm
Chairperson(s): Mary O’Donnell & Sarah McKinnon
Title: AOTA Hill Day 2024: Highlights, Updates and More!
Bio/Focus: Dr. Sarah McKinnon, OT, OTD, MCPR, MPA, FAOTA, FNAP, and Dr. Mary O’Donnell, OT, OTD, MS, will present key highlights from AOTA Hill Day 2024. Dr. McKinnon and Dr. O’Donnell currently serve as Co-Chairs of the MAOT Advocacy SIG and will present on current federal OT legislative priorities from AOTA Hill Day, strategies for OT practitioners to stay engaged and informed, and future opportunities on the state-level. Opportunities for collective action on the state level for the new legislative session will be discussed.
This event will be closed day before event. Please register by October 20, 2024.
MAOT, Inc.
P.O. Box 850543, Braintree, MA 02185
General Inquiries:
P.O. Box 8585, Warwick, RI 02888
General Inquiries:
Friday, November 1, 2024
Four Points Sheraton Norwood
A Symposium for Occupational Therapy Practitioners,
Students, & Health & Rehabilitation Professionals
Exhibitors and Sponsors
We Gratefully Acknowledge the Support of
Participating Exhibitors and Sponsors!
Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.